With 100+ academic programs, you’ll find the right major or graduate degree at the University of Hartford. You’ll learn what it means to be an ethical professional and critical thinker. You’ll be challenged to consider the world from multiple perspectives and lead instinctually.
So, what will you study at UHart?
Browse our majors, minors, certificates and graduate degrees below.
- 会计 (M)
- 声 Engineering and 音乐 (M)
- Actor Training (M)
- Aerospace Engineering (M)
- Architectural Design + Technology (M)
- Construction 管理
- 艺术
- Animation and Game 艺术 (M)
- 陶瓷 (M, m)
- Illustration (M, m)
- Painting and Drawing (M, m)
- 摄影 (M)
- 版画 (M, m)
- 雕塑 (M, m)
- Visual Communication Design (M)
- 艺术历史 (M, m)
- Audio Engineering Technology (M)
- Biomedical Engineering (M)
- 电
- 医学预科
- 生物学 (M)
- 生物化学 (M)
- 业务
- 会计 (M)
- Actuarial Science (m)
- 业务 Administration (m)
- 业务 Analytics and Managerial 经济学 (M)
- Entrepreneurial Studies (M)
- 金融 (M)
- 管理 (M)
- 市场营销 (M)
- Project 管理 (m)
- Risk 管理 and Insurance (M)
- 供应链 (M)
- 业务 Analytics and Managerial 经济学 (M)
- 业务 3+1 Accelerated MBA/MSAT Program
- 化学 (M)
- 电影 (M)
- Civil Engineering (M)
- Communication (M)
- Advertising and Public Relations (M)
- Communication Studies (M)
- Integrated Communication (M)
- Media Strategies (M)
- 复杂性 (m)
- 作文 (m)
- Computed Tomography (c)
- 电脑 and 电子 Engineering Technology (M, m)
- 电脑 Engineering (M)
- 电脑 Science (M, c)
- 电脑 Science and Engineering (M)
- Criminal Justice (M)
- Cybersecurity (m)
- Dance Pedagogy (M)
- Dance Performance (M, m)
- 数据科学 (M)
- Digital Media and Journalism (M)
- 经济学 (M)
- 教育
- 电 Engineering (M)
- Electromechanical Engineering Technology (M)
- 自动化
- 电脑
- 电子
- 机械
- 机器人
- Engineering Technology (M)
- 英语 (M, m)
- Creative Writing
- 文学
- Secondary 教育
- Entrepreneurial Studies (M)
- 环境al Engineering (M)
- Exercise Science (M)
- Exploratory (undecided)
- 金融 (M)
- 法国 (m)
- 老年医学 (m)
- Health Science (M, m)
- Pre-Professional (M)
- Pre-Chiropractic (M)
- Pre-Optometry (M)
- Pre-Pharmacy (M)
- Pre-Podiatry (M)
- 历史 (M)
- Human-电脑 Interaction Design (M, m)
- Instrumental Performance
- Orchestral Instruments
- 钢琴
- Integrated Elementary and Special 教育 (M)
- International Studies (M)
- 意大利 (m)
- 爵士乐的研究 (M)
- Judaic Studies (M)
- 文科
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (c)
- 管理 (M)
- 市场营销 (M)
- 数学 (M)
- Secondary 教育 (M)
- 机械 Engineering (M)
- 声
- Computational
- Energy and Sustainability
- Manufacturing
- 机器人
- Turbomachinery
- Medical Sonography (c)
- Montessori 教育 Concentration
- Multimedia Web Design and Development (M) This program has been renamed to Human-电脑 Interaction Design.
- 音乐 (M)
- 音乐 作文 (M, m)
- 音乐 Conducting (M)
- 音乐 教育
- Instrumental (M)
- 吉他
- Orchestral Instruments
- 钢琴
- 声乐(M)
- Instrumental (M)
- 音乐 历史 (M, m)
- Performance Practices (M)
- Scholarship and Research (M)
- 音乐 Industry (M)
- 音乐 Instrumental Performance
- 音乐 管理 (M)
- 音乐 Production and Technology (M)
- 音乐 Theatre (M)
- 音乐理论 (M, m)
- 音乐 Vocal Performance (M)
- 护理 (M)
- Occupational Therapy (M)
- Organizational 心理学 (M)
- Paralegal Studies (M, c)
- Performing 艺术s 管理 (M, m)
- 哲学 (M)
- Physical Therapy (M)
- Physical Therapy (Direct Entry 3+3 Accelerated DPT)
- Physical Therapy (4+3 DPT)
- 物理 (M)
- Political Economy (m)
- Politics and Government (M)
- Post-Baccalaureate 医学预科的 (c)
- Pre-Chiropractic (M)
- Pre-Dental (M)
- 法律系的 (M, c)
- 医学预科的 (M)
- Pre-Optometry (M)
- Pre-Pharmacy (M)
- Pre-Podiatry (M)
- Pre-Veterinary (M)
- Prosthetics and Orthotics (M)
- 心理学 (M)
- Radiologic Technology (M)
- Respiratory Care (M)
- 机器人 Engineering (M)
- Risk 管理 and Insurance (M)
- 社会学 (M)
- 西班牙语 (m)
- Stage 管理 (M)
- Teacher 教育 (m)
- Theatre - Actor Training (M)
- Theatre - 音乐 Theatre (M)
- Theatre - Technical Theatre (M)
- University Studies (M)
M -主修
m -小调
c — Certificate